
Aswan city is a lovely city in southern Egypt and you can see there the best nile view ever
if you like the pharaonic history of Egypt , you will spend a good time there just like Luxor city
 But you should visit it in winter because it's warm in this time and you beleive me your body will melt if you go in summer

Hotels there are good and some of those hotels are fancy
Isis Temple at Isis island

This island countains many temples of old Egyptian gods but Isis Temple is the most famous one 

When I say ( Isis ) of course you will think about the old famouse story of Isis and her 
Husband Osiris and their son Houras  
The story Tell us ( The god of earth GEB and the goddess of sky NUT got married and had kids names Seth , Neftis , Isis and Osiris
Isis and Osiris got married after this and was honored and beloved from all Egyptians which made Seth very jelous of his brother , so he decided to kill him and cut his body into piceces and through those piceces all over Egypt , and he did it 
When Isis knew it she was so sad and angry and always cry , so she traveled all over Egypt to collect her husband's body and bring him back to life 
She finally made it after long time and got a baby named ( Houras ) . She loved him alot and decided to save him from his bad uncle 
This Story is so famouse in Egypt and all the world , and Isis was holy for old Egyptians because she was the strong wife and the holy goddess who had a great magic powers
so they build temples for her 

The view of the nile from Isis Temple

Isis Trying to save her son from his uncle seth

Althoug the temple countains amazing Sculptures of Isis,Osiris and their son Houras , you can see also the best view of nile ever and take great shots
 You also can visit The Nile Museum , it's nice place shows The extent of Egypt's association with Africa
The symbole Nile Basin countries

That's the symbole of Nile Basin countries , every ball represent a country which the nile river flows through 
In this Museum you will feel like you are really in Africa , you will hear the sounds of elephants and the waterfall everywhere
big Screens shows the African life , some Portraits and huge Aquarium countains different kinds of fishes and tutles 

The Nile Museum

Inside The nile's museum

Amazing art work inside the Nile's Museum names ( Memories) art

Turtles in the Huge Aquarium

On of Aswan's main Streets

Another museum which is amazing to see is the Nubian Museum , it countains almost everything about Kush civilization , The people of Kush lived at the same time of old Egyptian kingdom but the two peoples were in constant conflict 
You will see there some mummies of kush and all their daily life stuff and you will know how they lived and the details of their wars against Egypt
You should pay about 2 dollars to buy Tickets if you want to take pictures inside the Museum

The Nubian Museum at night

The Nubian Museum at night

One of the Best places in Aswan is The Nubian Village 
Those people are amazing and so kind and love visitors , They have thier own Language not like all Egyptians speak arabic but they do when they meet Egyptians from the other cities 

A colouful House in the Nubian village

Inside on of the Nubian houses 
A part of The Nubian Market

You can go shopping in the Nubian Village and buy excellent kinds of spices and diffrent kinds of tea 
 All these spices are planted there so you will smell fresh spices everywhere 
clothes and Souvenirs are good there too , And you will be luckey if you see a Nubian party and dances there , it's so adorable 
you will notice also that every house and every wall is coloured and painted well with Pharaonic draws which give the village amazing view

The Nile River near the Nubian village

The river nile is so holy to Nubian people , it's hard to see a house or a shop far from the nile shore
it's a symbole of good and luckey life
You will be shocked when you know that when a Nubian baby born , his parents wash his face with nile water , just to be strong and live along like it 

if you are interested in Botany and want to see different kinds of plants , you will spend a good time in Plants island in Aswan
it's an amazing island located in nile river and you can take a boat to it
You will find 3 main parts on the island 
  The natural lab where Botanists go and do researches
 The museam where you can find rare kinds of plants and leaves and informations about all this
 The big park where you can find rare kinds the trees , flowers and  plants and a card for every section countains the name of the plant and where it is from

The plant museum

a photo for me in the natural lab

One of the best places for me also is the High dam of Aswan as i call it The symbole of Egyptian Energy and Egyptians loyality
Many many builder died during digging and building it , that's the reason of our pride
Before the High Dam was built, even with the old dam in place, the annual flooding of the nile during late summer had continued to pass largely unimpeded down the valley from its East African drainage basin. These floods brought high water with natural nutrients and minerals that annually enriched the fertile soil along its floodplain and delta , this predictability had made the Nile valley ideal for farming since ancient times. However, this natural flooding varied, since high-water years could destroy the whole crop, while low-water years could create widespread drought and associated famine. Both these events had continued to occur periodically. As Egypt's population grew and technology increased, both a desire and the ability developed to completely control the flooding, and thus both protect and support Farmland and its economically important cotton crop. With the greatly increased reservoir storage provided by the High Aswan Dam, the floods could be controlled and the water could be stored for later release over multiple years.

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